Kubota Spreaders

Agricultural implements come in many forms and, at Kubota, they make a good many of them. Along with their famous agricultural and specialised tractors, this means that they provide complete farm solutions so far as agricultural equipment is concerned. Each of the farming tools Kubota manufacture have been designed to operate with efficiency and to improve yield every time they are used. However, Kubota never take their eyes off the importance of ease of use either. After all, no implement can be described as being truly effective if it is not simple to operate. Providing the right balance between easy operation and effectiveness, the Kubota agricultural machinery is world-renowned and provides the farming community with the tools they need in 21st-century agriculture. All tools should make working life that little bit simpler and this is certainly the case with Kubota spreaders. Right through the range, you will find that their designs are robust but straightforward when it comes to everyday operations.

Key Features

  • Sturdy and easy to operate
  • Outstanding accuracy in all situations

About Kubota Spreaders

For modern farmers optimal spreading of fertiliser means using the exact amount of nutrition and avoiding overlap. Kubota fertiliser spreaders guarantee accurate spreading, are easy to operate and provide many years of trouble free usage.

The Disc Spreaders

This initial smooth acceleration of the fertiliser prevents fragmentation of the granules due to the impact of the vanes. The adjustable discharge point allows adaptation of settings of the physical fertiliser properties. Due to the gentle handling of the fertiliser the spreading characteristics of the product are maintained. The Kubota spreading system is designed for the optimal spreading result!

Weighing System
There are weighing spreaders available in the Kubota spreaders range with the advantages of speed-unrelated spreading and a high-frequency automatic calibration. With the unique reference sensor, the weighing system will correct automatically on slopes and for shocks.

The name RotaFlow describes the Kubota spreading system; the fertiliser granules are already rotating when they reach the spreading vanes. This initial smooth acceleration of the fertiliser prevents fragmentation of the granules due to the impact of the vanes and maintains the spreading characteristics of the material.

The Kubota weighing spreaders are standard equipped as ISOBUS compatible spreaders. Easy to operate with the IsoMatch Tellus GO+ or PRO.

Border Spreading
A TrimFlow border spreading system or a manual or hydraulic border spreading plate can be set for all types of fertiliser and working widths.


The DSM-W GEOSPREAD and DSX-W GEOSPREAD® do section control with sections of only 1 metre.
With a maximum of 14 sections and the possibility to switch sections over the middle, unnecessary overlap is set to an absolute minimum.

The 4 load cells and the reference sensors are important features as for section control accurate weighing is essential. The total benefit of GEOSPREAD® combined with speed-related spreading and GEOPOINT® headland management can be up to 15%. This can be achieved by saving fertiliser and better yields, because of no unnecessary overlap.

Pendulum Spreaders

The Kubota pendulum spreader is the first choice wherever the demand is for maximum accuracy in fertiliser application. Spreading quality and ease of operation of this unique machine are unequalled. The pendulum movement of the spout ensures that the application rate is identical on both sides, resulting in an excellent overlap. The Kubota VS spreaders are available with manual control, hydraulic remote control from the tractor cabin or electronic control from the tractor cabin.

Easy to Set Your Kubota Spreader
Exact advice for each Kubota spreader at any working width, application rate and driving speed. Direct access to most recent test results via our website, www.kubotaspreadingcharts.com or via the App for smartphones and tablets. The AutosetApp on the terminal gives you the opportunity to stay in the tractor cab and always spread with the correct settings!

The VS spreaders from Kubota:

  • Metering disc is made from stainless steel
  • Optimized frame with no corners where fertiliser can accumulate
  • Glass fiber re-enforced polyester or polyethylene hopper which can withstand aggressive types of fertiliser
  • The unique Duracoat powder painting system for exceptional corrosion resistance of spreading unit and frame
  • Bearings of the spreading unit have easily accessible grease zerks

Walkthrough Video

Kubota Agricultural Machinery

Kubota tractors are among the most robust farm machinery you could choose to invest in. They will allow you to gain access to even the most demanding of terrains. Their high-level of performance will mean that they soon become indispensable companions when carrying out your day-to-day farm activities. There is something for everyone in this comprehensive range of agricultural tractors, each offered with different power levels, transmission modes and widths for various sorts of settings. Every diesel engine we make is designed to be economical whilst delivering the sort of power you need to carry out demanding jobs.

Why Trust in the Kubota Tractor Range?

Kubota’s slogan has always been ‘For the earth, for life’ and it remains something that is at the heart of what they do. You can see this throughout the entire tractor range as well as all of the other agricultural machinery Kubota make. With experience that dates back to the end of the 19th century, Kubota Europe SAS has the experience and know-how to offer its customers a truly versatile range of products optimised for all agricultural projects.

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