Tillage Equipment
Allrounder -classic-
The universal cultivator with a low power requirement
The Allrounder is, as the name indicates, a very universal machine for seedbed and secondary stubble cultivation. The Allrounder can work the whole year undertaking different tasks:
- In spring for producing seedbeds on ploughed land
- In the autumn for secondary stubble cultivation
- and for an intermediate pass to take out weed seeds.
The hydraulic level board is a critical and valuable tool when producing an even seedbed. In the spring the goosefoot point works shallow. The soil is aerated but worked very shallow, allowing quick drying. The STS roller with following harrow produces a good reconsolidation of the moved soil with an optimum crumbly finish, ideal for the seed. Whether for sugar beet, maize or cereals – the Allrounder guarantees easy moving and fine soil in one pass so that the ‘weather window’ can be best used. Further activities, where the Allrounder excels, include slurry incorporation, working green manure and fast aeration of the soil.
Also, working the stale seedbed, the Allrounder produces fine work after the deeper stubble cultivator. The high output and low diesel consumption of 4.5 litres per hectare makes the Allrounder a very practical machine. The high under frame clearance of 60 cm delivers block free working. The strong hercules tines 70 x 12 mm guarantee a long working life even in dry conditions or stony ground.
Allrounder -profiline-
The universal cultivator with transport chassis
600/750 & 900/1200 & 1450
The Allrounder -profiline- is equipped with a double STS roller, an integrated transport arrangement and a massive tine frame. The working depth is controlled by the front support wheels and the rear double STS roller. For safe road transport, the double folding wings reduce the width to 3.00 m.
Allrounder -flatline-
The universal precision cultivator with an excellent contour adaptation
The Allrounder -flatline- is designed for extremely precise soil preparation and the incorporation of difficult organic material, at the same time excellent contour adaptation to the surface to be worked.
For the unconditional maintenance of the set working depth, especially in the very shallow working area, the Allrounder -flatline- is equipped with four solid front support wheels and a double STS roller. The working depth can be adjusted hydraulically from the tractor seat. Thus, an adjustment of the depth is also possible during work. A clearly visible scale indicates which working position the machine is running on. In order to guarantee the same working depth across the entire working width of the machine, the Allrounder -flatline- is equipped with an outstanding contour adjustment. The contour adjustment is based on the one hand on four front support wheels, which are mounted at a great distance from each other on the machine and on the other hand with the possibility of the folding parts of the machine also over and under stretch. Thus, the relief of the surface is scanned and the Allrounder -flatline- works reliably in the set working depth.
So that even large amounts of organic matter can be incorporated optimally, the tines are mounted on a total of six bars. So the allrounder -flatline- can have a very narrow tine spacing of only 130 mm, but has sufficient clearance for plant residues around each tine. Here, the great length of the Allrounder -flatline- proves to be a guarantee for trouble-free work, even under difficult conditions.
Another special feature is the excellent levelling of the surface, because the soil lingers long in the machine, mixes well with organic material and is then optimally distributed.
The field of application of the Allrounder -flatline- extends from very shallow soil tillage up to 13 cm deep loosening. Optionally, various tools are available, e. g. the points 60 mm or a goosefoot point with 200 mm cutting width. The Allrounder -flatline- can also be equipped with a leading knife roller and a level board for the special adjustment to the operation and the arising requirements.
The Trio stubble cultivator is targeted at the farms with tractors from 100 – 160 HP
The first stubble working is usually shallow so the volunteers and weed seeds are not buried deep. At the same time, the capillary structure is broken restricting the drying out process. The Trio is equipped with winged points to move all the ground at shallow depths so that straw and stubble is properly mixed. For very dry conditions and shallow working Köckerling offers the TOP-MIX goosefoot point.
Second working can go down to 25 cm perhaps for rape to aerate the soil and for further working in the straw and stubble. This way the following crop has the best germination conditions. For deep work, the wing is removed. Now the TOP-MIX point works at 80 mm wide with the soil guide for the optimum mixing effect. The height-adjustable spring sweeper leveller evens out the ridges left by the tines and is not affected by stones. The result: low wear costs. The following STS roller is an original from Köckerling and is now used all over Europe. The ‚U’ profile rings fill with soil so that the friction between the soil in the ring and the soil in the field keeps the roller turning and creating an optimum reconsolidation effect.
In particular, the STS roller allows working in damp conditions in spring and late autumn. The adjustable following harrow, which is integrated with the STS roller, is a very useful tool. It leaves an improved straw mixing and an even fine finish. The stone protection utilises coil springs and is standard equipment. For lighter and stone-free soils the Trio without the coils spring but equipped with a shear bolt protection is available. The stone protection system has been used on thousands of farms throughout Europe. The coil spring protection system is supported with a replaceable Polyamide block. Even in details, Köckerling places great importance on the quality. The three-point linkage attachment points are made from special steel that hinders hole wear.
Trio – the compact three-row cultivator. The name Trio stands for a compact three-row cultivator that can be driven in three-point linkage. The Trio -light- is suitable for stone-free and light soils.
- Loosening and aerating the soil by deep cultivation up to 30cm
- First shallow stubble cultivation after harvesting 5-10cm
- Second stubble cultivation for mulch 10-20cm
- Incorporation of manure
- Incorporation of catch crops
The 4 bar universal cultivator for shallow stubble cultivation and deep soil loosening
The name Quadro identifies the four-bar cultivator series in the Köckerling program. The quality of the straw working and the straw distribution is dependent on the number and distribution of the tines. Basically the more tines the better the work, however, the layout of the tines must also produce block free working. The Quadro series is equipped with hydraulic transport wheels, which make road transport, and turning on the headlands fast and reliable. The working depth of the Quadro is between 5 – 30 cm.
This allows the machine to work shallow when working in straw and deeper to loosen the soil. The Quadro is equipped with stone-protected TOP-MIX tines. The huge front depth wheels adjust the depth and the double STS roller mounted at the rear. This way an even working depth is guaranteed. The front depth wheels are mounted out wide to limit sideways movement. A particular advantage of the 4.0 m and the 4.6 m models is the ability to work with the wings folded at 3.0 m To achieve this, the front depth wheels are mounted on the centre section of the machine. When the tractor power is too small for deep working the 3.0 m centre section compensates for the lack of power. When working shallow the 320 mm wings points or the goosefoot points are used.
The wings are removed when working deep utilising the point and the soil guides. In practice when working deeper than 20 cm the wear cost and the diesel usage are proportionally higher.
The targets of stubble working are:
Even straw distribution, the creation of a homogeneous stale seedbed, soil aeration for the following crop and a good reconsolidation.
Other technical requirements are:
A strong frame with long working life, robust and safe stone protection for the hardest conditions, the ability to work shallow and to work deep, low wear costs on hinge points and a reliable work quality even in damp conditions.
The double STS roller has proven value over many years. During work, the open rings fill with soil so that the friction between the soil in the rings and the soil in the field keep the roller turning (soil to soil). This way the surface is not too finely worked causing capping in times of heavy rainfall. The spring-loaded following harrow completes the straw distribution and the final levelling.
The 4 bar stale seedbed cultivator for shallow working and for deep soil loosening.
The Vector stale seed-bed cultivator is the consequence of further development of the Quadro for professional farmers with up to 600 HP. The key to the Vector is the ‘Easy Shift’ depth control which allows the depth to be varied in work without stopping and without leaving the tractor. It allows infinitely variable depth control from the tractor seat ensuring the optimum work depth whole to make is achieved all over the field. The driver can choose the best depth whether in sand or in wet areas or clay.
Advantage of the Vector: The working width can be altered e.g. from 4.60 m to 6.20 m, the 5.70 m to 8.00 m and the 7.00 m to 9.00 m. It is a simple job to remove the outer wing by undoing bolts. This way the Vector can be adapted to suit power availability and field conditions. The new tine design used on the Vector increases the underframe clearance and allows working down to 30 cm. As with the Quadro, the Top-Mix points can quickly be adapted to suit the chosen work. The Top-Mix soil guide reduces blockages and improves the mixing effect is particularly heavy straw such as triticale, rye or after grain maize.
Large front depth wheels are the guarantee for a precise working depth both in wet conditions and in light soils. The proven double STS roller is now found on almost all Köckerling machines. This underlines our satisfaction with this roller. Simple, robust, unhindered by stones and able to work in wet conditions. The STS roller performs on countless machines throughout Europe. The spring-loaded following harrow produces the optimum straw distribution and levelling. The ability to adjust the pressure on the ground is valued by all practical farmers. For roadwork, the Vector is equipped with a hydraulically controlled transport system and the machine is completely trailed. The following attachment points are offered, CAT III CAT IV, 50 mm drawbar clevis and a K 80 ball.
The stale seedbed cultivator with 8 tine bars for maximum working quality
The name Vario stands for the hydraulically adjustable 8 bar cultivator from Köckerling. It is the flagship of the Köckerling range and is the machine for professional arable farmers. With a length of 8.00m and a tine spacing of 130 mm the quality of work is unbeatable. Soil and straw are carried in the Vario for many meters producing the optimum mix and even distribution.
The heavy leaf spring tines work is unaffected by stones and is maintenance-free due to the vibration which works any blockages free. There are two-point options; 100 mm and 60 mm chisel points. The point is chosen to suit the working depth. They are reversible and can be moved down for further wear, this reduces the wear costs and on the precision cultivator the operating costs are low. The 8 bar precision cultivator has been available for many years and is particularly valued. The precision cultivator is used for primary and secondary stubble cultivations and produces the right conditions for all soil types and following crops.
The working depth can be varied on the move from the tractor driver’s seat; this means that the optimum working depth is achieved all over the field. It is irrelevant whether working on weedy headlands or on wet patches the working depth can be quickly altered to suit changing conditions.
The initial research was carried out in a high straw area of approximately 12 tons per hectare and this is the reason that the precision cultivator quickly developed as the professional farmer’s machine for creating a stale seedbed. Particularly producing good results in wet conditions. In these conditions the double STS roller through its robustness, its ability to work in wet and stony conditions leaves the ideal conditions.
Disc Harrows
Rebell -classic-
The mounted compact disc harrow
Rebell classic is the new compact disc harrow of Köckerling. This innovative machine is built very compactly with solid materials and ensures use under nearly every condition. Rebell classic is designed for working in stubble directly after harvesting, but also for seedbed preparation and on ploughed fields for levelling and crushing blocks of soil. The working depth can be chosen between 2 cm and 12 cm. The Rebell classic is easy to pull and offers you a quick finish of necessary field operations.
In particular, the suspension of the discs has been redesigned. The farmer can choose between two suspension options to configure the machine to the conditions of his operation the best. On the one hand, the well-known leaf spring suspension is available, on the other hand, Köckerling now offers a spiral suspension as an alternative. The spiral-suspended support is characterized by an aggressive engagement of the discs in the ground and more intensive mixing. Even at high working speeds, the spring-loaded suspension ensures smooth running and reliable penetration of the discs into the ground.
On farms with rather light soils, it is recommended to equip the machines with a leaf spring suspension to get the most out of the job.
Rebel -classic- T
Compact disc harrow with transport wheels for large scale farms
Rebell -classic- T is the new compact disc harrow with integrated running gear of Köckerling. This innovative machine is built very compactly with solid materials and ensures use under nearly every condition. Rebell -classic- T is designed for working in stubble directly after harvesting, but also for seedbed preparation and on ploughed fields for levelling and crushing blocks of soil. The working depth can be chosen between 2 cm and 12 cm. The Rebell -classic- T is easy to pull and offers you a quick finish of necessary field operations.
In particular, the suspension of the discs has been redesigned. The farmer can choose between two suspension options to configure the machine to the conditions of his operation the best. On the one hand, the well-known leaf spring suspension is available, on the other hand, Köckerling now offers a spiral suspension as an alternative. The spiral-suspended support is characterized by an aggressive engagement of the discs in the ground and more intensive mixing. Even at high working speeds, the spring-loaded suspension ensures smooth running and reliable penetration of the discs into the ground.
On farms with rather light soils, it is recommended to equip the machines with a leaf spring suspension to get the most out of the job.
Rebell -profiline-
The heavy compact disc harrow for maximum results
The Rebell meets all requirements of a modern disc harrow:
The optimum insertion of big quantities of straw during the stubble processing with 620 mm discs. In addition to that, the Rebell provides an excellent re-consolidation and favours thus quick germination of weeds.
Various possible applications. The Rebell achieves not only efficient stubble cultivation, but also the seedbed preparation after plough and the insertion of catch crops before the drilling is done with vigour.
The solid construction of this machine. The high weight of more than 8.000 kg makes the penetration of the tools into the soil in any condition possible. The residues on the surface are reliably cut and inserted.
Maintenance costs. Each retractable parts of the Rebell are equipped with the lock-in-system. The discs are suspended with triply sealed, unattended two-row taper roller bearings.
About Köckerling
Köckerling produces a range of robust tillage, cultivation, seeding and grassland management equipment which is a welcomed addition to the dealer’s portfolio. The German manufacturer supplies the UK market through distributor Sam Agri Ltd based at Basingstoke. Lister Wilder is ideally placed to ensure full support and back up from the distributor.
About Lister Wilder
Lister Wilder are a friendly, family business that’s home to some of the UK’s finest machinery franchises including Kubota, Merlo, Baroness, Roberine, Trimax, Dennis, Sisis, Charterhouse, Timberwolf, Husqvarna, Stihl, SALSCO Rollers and Bomford Turner. These are all supported by the most knowledgeable Sales, Parts and Service teams in the country.
With branches across the South of England supplying a variety of machinery to the groundcare, agricultural, arboricultural and construction divisions. From tractors, compact tractors, utility vehicles and mowers to verti-drains, aerators, seeders and cultivators we supply for all divisions in the industry. We cover Berkshire, Wiltshire, Kent, Oxfordshire, Sussex, Surrey, London, Middlesex, Hampshire, Somerset, Gloucestershire and Buckinghamshire. Across our territory, we provide expert Sales advice and outstanding Parts & Service support for those working within the Agricultural, Groundcare, Construction and Arboricultural sectors.
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