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The Powermix range of complete diet feeder is available in both single and twin vertical auger models that gives a range of mixer feeder capacities from 9 cubic metres up to 30 cubic metres.
Shelbourne Reynolds Diet Feeders have a uniquely designed central auger which carries out both the chopping and mixing functions. It does this by lifting the ration ingredients up the centre of the mixer from where they move to the outside to be drawn back down to the bottom to begin the cycle again.
The Powermix Pro popular range of complete diet feeders comprise of four models with a single vertical auger and have a capacity from 9m³ to 15m³.
The Powermix Pro Express range of complete diet feeders is available in both single and twin vertical auger models that give a range of capacities from 9M³ up to 25M³.
The Shelbourne Reynolds diet feeders range introduces the Powermix Plus which has been designed as a compact twin auger range of diet feeders. The machine is shorter and more manoeuvrable with a curved tub shape for more efficient bale processing and faster mixing times.
A uniquely designed central auger carries out both the chopping and mixing functions by lifting the ration ingredients up the centre of the mixer from where they move to the outside to be drawn back down to the bottom to begin the cycle again.
Adjustable retarder blades can be fitted in the corners of the tub in order to slow the material for faster more efficient chopping. Adjustable static blades can be fitted here when high speed chopping is desired.
The Powermix feeder wagon also gives you the ability to use a wide range of ingredients in your mix, roots, big bales of hay, straw and silage can be chopped and mixed with other ingredients in one operation.
The Powermix feeder wagon also gives you the ability to use a wide range of ingredients in your mix, roots can be chopped and mixed with other ingredients in one operation and even big bales of hay, straw and silage can be added whole into the feeder wagon to be chopped down and incorporated to produce a uniformly mixed diet.
A series of blades fitted to the auger make fast work of chopping long fibre big bales and allowing you to use big bale silage in the same way as clamp silage.
By lifting the mix ingredients up the central auger this prevents jamming and reduces the horsepower requirement to drive the mixer and places much less pressure on the working parts of the machine.
The unique volcanic mixing action of a Powermix ensures a fast, accurate and consistent mixed ration every time, so even expensive and fine textured purchased feed ingredients are evenly distributed through the mix putting an end to selective eating by your animals. The consistency of mixes produced by a Powermix feeder wagon ensures that an accurately formulated ration will meet the nutritional requirements of your animals every time and thus maintain herd health and cost effective production.
Recent research also suggests that the ‘open structure’ of a diet produced in a Powermix feeder allows better utilisation of the nutrients over an identical mix produced in a conventional mixer.
The Cubicle Bedder range is available in three models CB100, CB150 & CB300.
The robust simple design will provide a uniform bed quickly and efficiently with minimal operator effort. A wide range of materials can be spread such as sand, sawdust, wood shavings, processed paper, lime & straw and gypsum etc.
The Parmiter Shear Bucket is available in two sizes the SB250 & SB300. This multipurpose attachment replaces the need for a silage grab and bucket with one machine making it very versatile.
Since 1972 when Keith Shelbourne purchased the business assets of Reynolds Engineering Ltd and formed Shelbourne Reynolds Engineering Ltd, Shelbourne Reynolds has been designing and manufacturing farm machinery in Suffolk, England.
Here, Shelbourne Reynolds use the latest design software to create the machines the markets demand, and utilise some of the most sophisticated manufacturing equipment available to produce not only hedge and verge trimmers, but also Powermix diet feeders, Powerspread manure spreaders and a host of other arable, livestock and groundcare machinery.
Their manufacturing technology includes CNC machining centres, laser steel cutting machines and one of the UK’s largest powder coat paint facilities. All of this means they are able to create in-house, to extremely high standards, a large proportion of the components required for their equipment, using processes including machining and gear cutting to manufacture specific drives for specific applications.
With Shelbourne Reynolds equipment, there’s no question of compromising machine performance or longevity by using lower spec cheaper components. That means their customers benefit from knowing that Shelbourne Reynolds put their name to every component on their equipment.
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